The post about the people's choice award and the random draw is up on my regular blog. Check to see if your number was drawn.....
.....I had no time to look up and figure out who actually won!! Email me with your address and be sure to include your participant number for the viewers choice vote with your address.
That is the way I drew the numbers.
Thanks for all who participated...I hope you all had a marvelous time working out of your comfort zones!!
See ya next summer for a new challenge once again with some uglie fabrics!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Cafe Mocha
Oh how I love the way this The Bag Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge quilt top turned
out! It measures 55" x 89" for a California twin bed. I'm so glad Terrie didn't like these fabrics. Don't the colors and
fabrics that someone else didn't like go great with the fugly fabric (cream
floral) that I won last year and the brown clearance Thimbleberries fabric that I added?
LOVE LOVE LOVE! This pattern is called Cafe Mocha by Amanda Murphy.
Here are the fabrics I started out with...

I added these and just a couple of mauves/maroons to it...

I added these and just a couple of mauves/maroons to it...
Sunday, October 14, 2012
What Uglies?
I have not been a very active participant in the Challenge due to a back injury that has side-lined me for many, many months. I did get two projects done using my uglies and I love both of them. The first,
was this baskets quilt. I had hoped to use all the uglies in it but that's not the direction the top took! I love that I was able to use that border fabric (that I have been hoarding for years) and had just enough for the borders.
I then decided to make another top using the rest of the uglies. Those blocks range from sixteen-inch down to four-inch, and used up the rest of the fabric.
I don't think my kitchen floor shows the tops at their best but I am thrilled I was able to actually bend down to lay them out.
More pictures and info at my blog if you are interested. It was great sewing and sharing projects with you all! Thanks for organizing this, Suzanne.
was this baskets quilt. I had hoped to use all the uglies in it but that's not the direction the top took! I love that I was able to use that border fabric (that I have been hoarding for years) and had just enough for the borders.
I then decided to make another top using the rest of the uglies. Those blocks range from sixteen-inch down to four-inch, and used up the rest of the fabric.
I don't think my kitchen floor shows the tops at their best but I am thrilled I was able to actually bend down to lay them out.
More pictures and info at my blog if you are interested. It was great sewing and sharing projects with you all! Thanks for organizing this, Suzanne.
Monday, October 1, 2012
From Super ugly, to something that grew on me!! #4
I got it done!! I am sewing on a black binding on this right now. I had received these ugly fabrics. I used the white with black and red stripe on the back. I used the skulls and crossbones in the center of the log cabin blocks and the greens had some orange/burnt orange in them so I used orange from my stash to contrast/compliment the green ollection including the bugs which were used in the blocks too! I didn't have to buy anything to make this quilt. I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the results! I finished sewing it last week, had company over the weekend to celebrate my birthday which is ironically today!!! I tied the quilt as it will be a baby quilt for someone who has a boy and again the binding is black. Not bad, hu?
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thank you!
Yay! Finished my quilt. Now I need to post it to flickr. I just wanted to say how fun this challenge was. Now that the quilt is finished. I love all of your quilts. Each quilt is unique and beautiful. Thank you colorado lady for hosting this challenge and sharing your time and talents with all of us. My quilt now sits on the arm of the couch and is well loved by my little people.
I've completed the top
....for the In the Bag Ugly Fabric Challenge. I think I know what I'm going to use as backing, probably the same material I used for the thin stripe in the border. I didn't get it finished for the challenge but I had fun and learned lots by trying.
I have these leftover to play with.....
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A word about the deadline for this challenge....and what is to come!
Hello all!! Just a reminder that the Quilt Challenge is wrapping up. I myself failed at completing my quilt. The top is finished, not quilted. My second challenge that I signed myself up for, never even started. Life got in the way. Totally.
But...there is still a couple of days to get your finished quilted item submitted via Flicker to be in the running for many prizes. I stand no chance of a finish...even if there were two weeks packed into a couple of days.
I hesitate to show all that I have set back for this event...but here are a few to entice you. Each prize will consist of one of the quilting books and another prize to go with it. I have quilt kits by Moda, Moda thimble berries table runner kit, quilting thread, fabric bundles, and fat quarter bundles to name a few.
I plan to try and set up a Viewers Choice voting link and the winner of the viewers choice will win a prize package too. Now, please bear with me, next week is not looking good for me so I will have to figure out how to do this and get a post will be done as soon as I can possibly do it.
Watch this blog and a notice on my Coloradolady blog incase I have to resort to a linky for you to add your pictures. I am not sure I can pull them off of flicker myself. If anyone has a suggestion on the easiest way to do that, please let me know. I hope you have enjoyed this challenge this summer....I have enjoyed looking at all the beautiful quilts that started out so ugly to begin with!!!
Make sure you have your photos submitted to Flicker....that is where the entries will be drawn from for prizes!!
But...there is still a couple of days to get your finished quilted item submitted via Flicker to be in the running for many prizes. I stand no chance of a finish...even if there were two weeks packed into a couple of days.
I hesitate to show all that I have set back for this event...but here are a few to entice you. Each prize will consist of one of the quilting books and another prize to go with it. I have quilt kits by Moda, Moda thimble berries table runner kit, quilting thread, fabric bundles, and fat quarter bundles to name a few.
I plan to try and set up a Viewers Choice voting link and the winner of the viewers choice will win a prize package too. Now, please bear with me, next week is not looking good for me so I will have to figure out how to do this and get a post will be done as soon as I can possibly do it.
Watch this blog and a notice on my Coloradolady blog incase I have to resort to a linky for you to add your pictures. I am not sure I can pull them off of flicker myself. If anyone has a suggestion on the easiest way to do that, please let me know. I hope you have enjoyed this challenge this summer....I have enjoyed looking at all the beautiful quilts that started out so ugly to begin with!!!
Make sure you have your photos submitted to Flicker....that is where the entries will be drawn from for prizes!!
My Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge Quilt
Well, here it is. This is my Ugly Fabric Quilt challenge Quilt. I added the "What Cancer Cannot Do" blocks because when I think of UGLY, I think cancer. My Mom has cancer and is in the final days of her battle. I gave her this quilt as a birthday gift and as a reminder of what cancer cannot do. She has it on her bed now and her Hospice Nurses love the quilt and it's message.
I didn't take pictures of the fabric that Martha sent me, but I used all the fat quarters and the ones that I didn't like so much or had extra of, I used to male the yo yo flowers. They are made from pieced parts of extra fabric. It was a fun challenge although I'm not so sure Ill be doing it again. I think once might have been enough!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Completed top...on to the quilting
I finished the top a few days ago and got my 9 year old to help with the photography. I am not patient enough to take 100 shots until I get a good one, so bear with me on the quality, or lack thereof, of the photos.
Overall I think the quilt turned out pretty good.
I have the quilt pin basted and ready to start quilting. I plan to simply outline each ring of the stars and then straight line quilt the open spaces radiating out from the star. As for the borders, I have no idea what I will do. I realize I probaly won't get this finished before the deadline, but I have had a wonderful time participating in this challenge.
Overall I think the quilt turned out pretty good.
Placement of the border strips were to be scrappy, but I should have looked at it before just sewing them on. I would have moved some of the striped fabric. Originally I had the 2 upper stars diagonal from each other but in the end they ended up next to one another. However, this did not bother me enough to rip it out and start over. Remember this was going to be my learning/teaching moment quilt!
This is a close up of one of the stars the contains all 4 ugly fabrics. Teaching moment ......color value really does make a big difference. The 2 greens and 2 burgandy fabrics are too close in value and blend in and make it mushy looking.
This star turned out fairly well in my opinion. This was another teaching moment .....Don't use stripes for the middle of the star!I have the quilt pin basted and ready to start quilting. I plan to simply outline each ring of the stars and then straight line quilt the open spaces radiating out from the star. As for the borders, I have no idea what I will do. I realize I probaly won't get this finished before the deadline, but I have had a wonderful time participating in this challenge.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I started this challenge with the following fabrics:
I have to admit that I have been totally stumped with these fabrics. I really tried hard to find patterns and come up with a plan. I finally decided to work with circles and create a modern design. I added the solid navy fabric and pieced together the challenge fabric for the backing.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Yes, I know it's ugly, but I'm gonna try!!
Well, this is the Fabric I got from Kim in Pennsylvania. I must say I really thought it was ugly, really. But I have been looking at it for these last few months, wracking my brain with what can I do with this God awful stuff, well, nothing like waiting till near the end, but I think I have come up with an idea!! I cut the skulls and crossbones into squares and the green into strips along with some of the other 5 charms into some starter strips. I think I am going to add Orange since it does run through the greens and see what I can come up with this weekend. It is so fun seeing you lucky ladies that have completed your challenges. Nice work!! Wish me luck! :)
Ugly fabrics received
My ugly fabrics were received quite timely and not quite ugly in my opinion. Perhaps they aren't the prettiest but surely not the ugliest and they even somewhat coordinate, so thank you to my swap partner Cathy in IL.
Then I shopped my stash for additional fabrics and added these to the mix
So far I have had a blast in this challenge.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Uglies tumbled
Isn't an imminent deadline a great concentrator of the mind?? Having thought that I would not manage to finish my Ugly fabric quilt in time I found that once I put my mind to it I can piece and quilt a quilt in a matter of days! Who could have guessed that that might happen :)
So here it is my Tumbled Ugly quilt!
To say I am delighted to have finally used up those fabrics would be an understatement :)
So here it is my Tumbled Ugly quilt!
To say I am delighted to have finally used up those fabrics would be an understatement :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
First UglyFabricsQuilt Finished
My quilt is finished!!! I handquilted it and I´m very pleased with how it turned out. What more can I say :)
Gun, Sweden
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Chevron Picnic Quilt Finished!
I'm finished! Thanks to Patti in Canada for swapping fabrics with me. I had lots of fun making and quilting this quilt. I'm pretty excited to have it finished and posted before the deadline!!!
Of course, I have to show the back quilting detail.
I like how rotating the quilt gives it a different look.
Thanks for looking! Check out my blog for more pictures. Linda in Iowa #51
Of course, I have to show the back quilting detail.
I like how rotating the quilt gives it a different look.
Thanks for looking! Check out my blog for more pictures. Linda in Iowa #51
Monday, September 10, 2012
Tumbling Uglies
Having thought that the challenge ended at the end of October so I still had lots of time left to come up with something for these
You can imagine my horror when I discovered that submissions have to be made by October 1st! Cue some frantic cutting :)
Check out here what I am hoping to do with these Uglies!
You can imagine my horror when I discovered that submissions have to be made by October 1st! Cue some frantic cutting :)
Check out here what I am hoping to do with these Uglies!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Quilt top Finished.......Butterfly!!!
Finally....finally have the top done....this has taken me forever!!!! You can read about the fabrics and how this came to be on my personal blog. Go HERE to see that post!
Next, I will post the fabrics from Gun from Sweden....and hopefully, I can get something done with those fabrics before the challenge ends!!
Next, I will post the fabrics from Gun from Sweden....and hopefully, I can get something done with those fabrics before the challenge ends!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
My fabrics
I haven't posted the fabrics I've received! I'm sorry! I'm still trying to decide what to do with them!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Here is my finished quilt. I think it looks WAY better than I had hoped. I also decided to make it my first project for free motion quilting. Although I certainly can improve with practice, I was satisfied with my effort. I had fun pushing myself to learn new skills. I'll post another photo that is a little more close up.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Ta-Da!!! It is finished!
My Ugly Fabric quilt is finished! What do you think? I used up every bit of the fabric I got and only added the bright pink border and the backing.
The flowers are raw edge applique and then I quilted flower petals around each layer. Here is a close up of the flower.
I have really had fun designing the quilt and plan to donate it to a local retirement home. It will make a perfect wheelchair lap quilt.
Thanks Colorado Lady for hosting this challenge. Can't wait for next year!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Progress with "uglies"
Here is my progress with the Ugly Fabric to figure out borders.....
Friday, July 6, 2012
Rows done
I have finished the rows for this ugly fabric challenge.
Hopefully I can sew them
together and get the borders
on this top. I have always loved the original ugly fabric.
Since I will be gone to son's house for a week most likely will
not get it done until next month.
Betty from Utah
Hopefully I can sew them
together and get the borders
on this top. I have always loved the original ugly fabric.
Since I will be gone to son's house for a week most likely will
not get it done until next month.
Betty from Utah
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Genie’s Ugly Quilt ~ In the Bag ~ Ugly Quilt Challenge
Well, I finally decided to do a modified pinwheel lap quilt.
These are the fabric pieces Julie Keeler sent me. It has taken me such a long time to get started, but school is out now and I have some free time to play.
I have ripped seams and ripped trying to get the points to meet perfectly...sure, Genie. Give up! Sew a button in the center of each one if the points to not meet to suit you.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Here are the ugly fabrics Chatty Kathy sent me! I love em!!
I added some more from my stash, bought a couple fat quarters and this is what I came up with.
The green with the parrots on the right will be the binding.
I added some more from my stash, bought a couple fat quarters and this is what I came up with.
Monday, July 2, 2012
A funny!
So, it strikes me as funny when I get an email from my
longarm quilter asking me which of the six quilts I sent
her is "the ugly quilt"?
LOL!! I must have done ok! I love the brown polka dot binding!
longarm quilter asking me which of the six quilts I sent
her is "the ugly quilt"?
LOL!! I must have done ok! I love the brown polka dot binding!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Can't stop designing!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
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